Level 3
This one felt like a slog, mostly due to individual humanoid treasure.
1 square = 10 feet
Doors are presumed to be 5 feet wide, made of wood banded with metal, and opened according to normal rules
Ceilings are 10 feet high
No light sources unless otherwise stated
with an arrow or "to parts unknown" may lead to dead ends, lairs,
secret entrances/exits, or sub-levels as the referee desires.
being encountered the first time, "high traffic areas" have a 50%
chance of a randomly determined monster(s) being present
3.1 West spiral staircase room
Connects to 1.21 and 2.1
There's a 1-in-6 chance every turn spent here that loud deep, croaking from the toads in 3.25 may be heard.
3.2 Strange staircase room
Connects to 2.25 and 4.2
3.3 Gas room
This room is filled with a cloud of sweet-smelling purple gas. It has no immediate effect and does nothing while within it, but after exiting it blinds those who passed through for 1d6 turns.
3.4 Former bedroom
Dusty. Empty save for a make shift cot of blankets and sacks.
3.5 Spiked pit trap
10' deep, 3-in-6 chance to fail unless actively looking, 1d6 spike damage
3.6 North junction room
A strange cloud of gray smoke surrounds 3000 cp in the southeast corner. The cloud is actually 3 tweens (HD 1, 4 hp each, MV 12 or as host, AC 10, Al N; Att: by "weapon" against ethereal only; Special: can only be hit on ethereal plane, symbiosis). They will attempt to bond with the highest-hp members of the party.
Note: Fiend Folio doesn't specify the effects of multiple tweens in proximity, so I would rule that the tween-bonded cancel each other out and roll normally, while others roll two dice and take the worst result.
3.7 West dead end room
Empty, but engraved on the east wall is a message in huge letters:
3.8 West spiral staircase room
Connects to 4.3 and 5.1
3.9 Saint's room
In the west corner is a cleric clad in chainmail sitting on the floor, his head bowed and hands interlocked in prayer. Some bits of moldy food are on the ground before him. He is dead, although it is not immediately obvious and is remarkably preserved. As long as his body is left undisturbed/unlooted, chaotic creatures (including PCs) cannot enter nor attack into this room for any reason, and neutral characters may enter but can only attack inward if struck by those inside. The saint also has a iron ankh hanging from a chain around his neck (holy symbol), a mace, and a vial of holy water.
3.10 Lonely treasure room
3000 sp sit in a 6' long lead bath(?)tub that requires at least three people to lift and four to carry.
3.11 Lonely north rectangle room
3.12 Large square room
A thoroughly rotted backpack and equally rusted dagger are at the position of "12"; there are a scattering of bones in front of the east door
3.13 The Ghast-Knight's Room
In this room are many piles of bones and a ghast wielding black metal full plate and shield, both with a silver lion passant prominently displayed (HD 4, 15 hp, MV 9, AC 2, Al C; Att: 1d4 plus paralysis + 1d8 plus paralysis; Special: stench in 10' save or -2 to attacks, undead). It only wants one victim to eat, but if attack en masse it's smart enough to paralyze multiple opponents.
Scattered throughout the room under bone piles are 2000 ep, one large golden yellow gem (500 gp topaz), 6000 pp, a clerical scroll with Hold Person (caster level 6) and Exorcise (caster level 8) , and a wizardly scroll with Invisible Stalker (caster level 13).
3.14 Northeast square room
3.15 Odd room
6 orcs (HD 1, one leader with 5 hp, others 4 hp each, MV 9, AC 6, Al C; Att: varies/see below) are camping in the northeast section, part of the the group that's also in 3.16 and 3.17 and bear the symbol of silver lion on a red field prominently. They will simply observe unless battle is joined. The leader has a whistle that only orcs and elves can hear and will use it to signal intruders to 3.16. Noise of a battle will bring 1d6 orcs from 3.16 every round.
Leader: Orcish whistle, sword, spear, 4 ep
Others: axe, polearm, 9 ep; spear, 9 ep; axe, 8 ep; sword, flail, 12 ep; and sword, spear, 8 ep
3.16 Far east rectangle room
17 orcs (HD 1, one leader with 8 hp, others 4 hp each, MV 9, AC 6, Al C; Att: varies/see below) are camped here, part of the the group that's also in 3.15 and 3.17 and bear the symbol of silver lion on a red field prominently. They were ordered to secure an area by "The Red Lady"on levell ??. They know of the elevator room (3.20) and will permit a party to pass through to it. They will seemingly allow a part to pass through to 3.17, but this is a feint: They are the "hammer" in a shakedown/attack plan.
Leader: Axe, crossbow, 10 bolts, 10 ep
Others: polearm, 6 ep; polearm, 3 ep; axe, polearm, 3 ep; spear, 7 ep; axe, 8 ep; sword, flail, 7 ep; sword, spear, 7 ep; axe, crossbow, 10 bolts, 10 ep; axe, bow, 10 arrows, 7 ep; sword, battleaxe, 5 ep; axe, spear, 8 ep; axe, spear, 7 ep; axe, 5 ep; and axe, polearm, 8 ep
3.17 Southeast square room
4 orcs (HD 1, 4 hp each, MV 9, AC 6, Al C; Att: varies/see below) are guarding this passage, part of the the group
that's also in 3.15 and 3.16 and bear the symbol of silver lion on a red
field prominently. Two are south of the east door and two are north of the west door. They are the "anvil" in the orcs' organization and after the party enters, the orcs in 3.16 will encircle: They desire treasure but are not averse to slaughter.
North pair: axe, polearm, 11 ep; axe, bow, 10 arrows, 10 ep
South pair: sword, flail, 9 ep; axe, polearm, 9 ep
3.18 Southeast rectangle room
Empty, but if the orcs of the silver-lion-on-red group allowed the party to pass they will move 4 orcs (HD 1, others 4 hp each, MV 9, AC 6, Al C; Att: varies/pick from 3.17 roster) from 3.17 to here. Equipment and treasure will be unchanged in the move.
Space to note Treasure/Equipment:
3.19 North rectangle room
3000 cp lies scattered on the floor; it will take one full turn to gather up 1000 coins. There are random teeth of man, beast, and others intermixed with the coins.
The south wall of this room has a large iron panel with two copper buttons: An arrow pointing down and an arrow pointing up. Up here, the up arrow does nothing. If the down arrow is pressed, roll 1d6: 1-5 it descends that many floors without stopping at a rate of 5 ft/round; on a 6 in remains stationary. See connections, below.
On levels 4-7: If down/up are pressed, roll 1d6 and descend/ascend that many floors, if the result is greater
than the number left below/above it goes the opposite direction instead.
On level 8: If the up arrow is pressed, roll
1d6: 1-5 it ascends that many floors without stopping at a rate of 5
ft/round; on a 6 in remains stationary. Down here, the down arrow does nothing.
The elevator will ascend 1 floor/day until it returns to level 3.
A number of parameters can be adjusted via 3.21
Treat those who fall from a higher floor onto the platform or into the shaft as having fallen 20 ft/floor.
Technically this room only has one wall (the south panel wall) and no ceiling
Level 4: Rooms 4.17 and 4.22
Level 5: Secret door that opens to a passage
Level 6: Secret door that opens to 6.13, room 6.38
Level 7: ???
Level 8: ???
3.21 Elevator control room
Within this room are a cot, chair, table, and a large brass console with three marked levers. A <> indicates the levers' current positions when first encountered. From left (farthest from the door) to right (closest), they are:
SPD is speed. MIN makes the elevator travel 5 ft/round. MED makes the elevator travel 10/ft per round and knocks passengers prone. MAX makes the elevator travel 20/ft per round. and if descending passengers are treated as though they fell 10 ft per floor, while if ascending each passenger is merely knocked prone for the duration of the movement.
MOV is movement, i.e. how the elevator moves between levels. MIN makes the elevator only descend/ascend 1 level at a time. MAX makes the elevator descend level 8 and ascend to level 1, without any stops between. RND makes the elevator's movement randomized: Roll 1d6 and descend/ascend that many floors, if the result is greater than the number left below/above it goes the opposite direction instead.
RST is for reset. DAY means the elevator will automatically ascend one floor/day until it returns to level 3. WK means the elevator will automatically ascend one floor/week until it returns to level 3. NO means the elevator will not ascend automatically at all.
3.22 Grand oval room
3.23 Horizontal southern rectangle room
3.24 Dragon's square lair
Here be an unusually large very young white dragon (HD 7, 7 hp, MV 12/30, AC 3, Al C; Att: 2 claws 1d4 each + bite 2d8; Special: breath weapon 3 times a day, damage = hp in cold damage, save for half) This dragon cannot speak or cast spells. It is 60% likely to be sleeping.
Its hoard is guarded by its pet(?) toads in 3.25. Combat with them is 25% likely to awaken it.
3.25 Toad abode
8 giant toads (HD 2+4, 11 hp each, MV 6+6 hop, AC 6, Al N; Att: bite 2d4;
Special: can attack mid-hop) are lairing here. They are pets/snacks of the white dragon in 3.24 and combat with them is 25% likely to awaken it. Otherwise, they are vicious, hungry, and fight to the death, even chasing.
Beneath assorted toad detritus is 3000 sp in a semi-orderly stack.
3.26 Lonely west square room
Empty, but engraved on the west wall is a message in huge letters:
3.27 Vertical southern rectangle room
3.28 Drow camp
13 drow (Leader HD 3, 10 hp; rest HD 2, 9 hp each, MV 12, AC 4, Al C; Att: adamantine sword 1d8+1; 50% magic resistance, +2 to saves; leader has Nystul's Magic Aura prepared)
Their leader is a fighter/mage named Kelbyr; he and his band have been tasked by a superior to bring tribute to The Master on level ??? but they were unsure if they could tackle the white dragon in 3.24. They are not obviously hostile but won't hesitate to kill or capture a weakened or small party if the opportunity presents itself.
Each drow has a skull-shaped buckler +1, a wickedly barbed sword +1, and red chainmail +1. Their treasure is on their persons underneath their armor: Kelbyr has 25 pp and 3 average yellow-green gems (100 gp chrysoberyls). The rest have: 15 pp and 4 small pure black gems (50 gp onyxes); 15 pp and 4 average pearls (100 gp ea) ; 15 pp and 1 tiny mottled blue gem (10 gp azurite); 15 pp and 4 tiny pink gems with "moss" patterns (10 gp moss agates); 15 pp and 2 small orange gems (50 gp carnelians); 15 pp; 15 pp; 15 pp; 15 pp; 15 pp; 15 pp; 15 pp; and 15 pp
300 pp in an iron chest is half of the tribute, with the other stored in 3.29
3.29 Fire beetle chamber
6 fire beetles (HD 1+2, 6 hp each, MV 12, AC 4, Al N; Att: bite 2d4;
Special: 3 light glands, each illuminates 10' and lasts six days after
removal) lair here, and using their weird ways the drow have "tamed" them so that they will attack them. Otherwise they are territorial.
300 pp in an iron chest is hidden beneath carefully placed scraps of bone and chitin, the other half of the 3.28 drows' tribute
3.30 Southwest rectangle room
3.31 Hallway room
3.32 Lonely south square room